My clients come to me because they want change. Whether large or small, in their professional or personal life, people come to me because they are tired of mediocrity. There is a huge difference, however, between wanting change and actually making it happen.
A lot of people think or even talk about taking action. In my 30,000+ hours of experience, I have found that it is those who are willing to commit to action that are the ones most successful.
My coaching philosophy focuses not just on concepts but also on specific actions that you can and should take. When you apply these specific actions to your life you will begin to build the foundation for a terrific life!
So whether you are avoiding something, experiencing too much drama, feel burned-out, or simply feel distracted, my coaching method can work for you!
Psychotherapy is more of an art than a science. It takes skill, caring, intelligence, common sense, creativity, and something intangible that I often refer to as intuition. I have done countless hours of psychotherapy in my lifetime and have learned how to feel my way through a session. Just as the best athletes develop feel in whatever sport they play, the best therapists use their intuition to guide them to what clients most need each week.
Working with people and making a dramatic difference in their lives is very gratifying. This is why I chose to study psychology and work with people. To make a real difference, the therapist must understand the nature of someone's dilemma. In the final analysis, most people just want to feel good, be happy, and prosper. The reality is that happiness is often something we must learn. Because of past conditioning, many of us feel that both success and happiness are unattainable. The REALITY is this is not true. With the right guidance, enough desire, and focused action, the possibilities are practically limitless!
Life Coach
Life coaching is the art of bringing out the best in others by supporting and guiding them to move through the blocks and obstacles to true success. Having done over 30,000 hours of work as a licensed psychologist with clients of many different backgrounds, ages, and problems, I bring a level of “knowing” that is profound. Whether helping others learn, grow, improve, create, and/or let go, I use a combination of experience and intuition gleamed from all those hours.
Sports Psychologist
Working with athletes is a natural extension of who I am and what I do. As a child and adolescent I grew up primarily playing baseball and basketball, though any sport involving hand-eye coordination was fun. At age 10, my identical twin brother and I were good enough at tennis to be asked by professionals to focus on it exclusivity. We chose otherwise. Not having the size to be a consistent starter at shortstop on the varsity baseball team, I began playing golf instead.
At age 18, I took ten golf lessons and at age 40 took three more. The rest of my game is entirely self-taught. I am currently a four handicap playing twice a week in the summer months, rarely having time to hit balls. Instead, I have steadily improved every aspect of my play by focusing on the mental game. Creating both a mental and physical pre-shot routine several years ago had a huge positive impact on my game. Today, I use mindfulness techniques as well to play more effectively.
Business Consultant
As a psychologist, I generally start by helping people get really clear about who they are and what they want to create and experience. What are your dreams? What is going on in your life that you would like to change? What do you want to create?
Then, we look at the blocks and obstacles to success whether in close relationships, career, or both. Because of our conditioning, many of us struggle to create a life that is truly authentic to who we are and who we are capable of being. These blocks often include negative patterning, limiting beliefs, poor habits, and underlying fears and insecurities.